SnowJapanHistory スノージャパン ヒストリー
A look back at ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture

鵜川スキー場 新潟県柏崎市

Ukawa was a ski area located in the Onadani neighbourhood of Kashiwazaki City in Niigata Prefecture. Ukawa opened in 1969 with one rope tow lift, and it was mainly used by locals. At its most popular, about 8,000 people visited Ukawa in one season. Faced with declining numbers and ageing equipment, the ski area closed in March 1999. It was celebrated with a special closing ceremony.

Ukawa Ski Area(鵜川スキー場)
March 1999
Base elevation
About 200m
Top elevation
About 235m
About 35m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Skill level
40% beginner
40% intermediate
20% advanced
Ski / board
Mostly skiing
Ski lifts
1 lift
Rope tow 200m
The lift has been removed
Night skiing
There was no night skiing


Taken in September 2020

Further Information

  • Ukawa Ski Area was managed by the city and run by the Ugawa Tourism Association  鵜川観光協会
  • The name comes from the river running nearby
  • Over the 30 years of operation, about 180,000 people visited the ski area
  • The maximum number of visitors in one season was about 8,000 people
  • In later years a declining population and levels of snowfall led to fewer visitors
  • The facilities were also getting old and in need of maintenance
  • A closing festival was held on 7th March 1999 to commemorate the ski area  「感謝の気持ちを込めてスノーフェスティバル」
  • A small road by the side of Route 353 goes up to the site where the ski area was located
  • The road comes to a stop before the place where the ski slope used to be
  • On a visit in September 2020, it was impossible to get beyond that point - nature has taken over!
  • The ski area was located in the Onadani neighbourhood of Kashiwazaki City  柏崎市
  • Onadani Village  女谷村  dates back to 1889
  • In 1901 Onadani Village merged with a neighbouring village and became Ukawa Village  鵜川村
  • In 1956 Ukawa Village merged with a few neighbouring villages to become Kurohime Village  黒姫村
  • In November 1968, Kurohime Village became part of Kashiwazaki City  柏崎市
  • The Ayakomai Kaikan Hall  綾子舞会館  is nearby
  • There is still a sign mentioning the old ski area on a small building by the side of the main road

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps



Located just off Route 353 in the Onadani neighbourhood of Kashiwazaki City.
About 16km from the Kashiwazaki IC exit of the Hokuriku Expressway.
About 16km from Kashiwazaki Station on the Shinetsu Honsen and Echigo lines.
北陸自動車道 柏崎ICから的16km
信越本線 越後線 柏崎駅から的16km

Currently operating ski & snowboard resorts in the region

Matsudai Family  松代ファミリー 21km
All currently operating ski areas in Niigata Prefecture

This page was created in May 2020
Last updated on 22nd December 2022
2020年5月 作成  2022年12月22日 更新