Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ

Hijiri Kogen Dai 2

Omi Village, Nagano Prefecture

聖高原第2スキー場 長野県麻績村

Hijiri Kogen Dai 2 was a ski area located in the Hijiri Kogen region of Omi Village in the northern region of Nagano Prefecture. At least at first, this ski area seems to have effectively been an extension of the Hijiri Kogen Dai 1 ski area, about 5km to the east (and still operating as just Hijiri Kogen). Hijiri Kogen Dai 2 had two ski lifts and closed in the early 1990s. There are now no signs left of the old ski area and it is almost impossible to make out where the ski runs were. Nature has taken control!

Early 1990s
Base elevation
Top elevation
About 1,280m
About 260m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Skill level
Ski / board
Closed before snowboarding was popular
Ski lifts
2 lifts
Single 270m
Single 550m
The ski lifts have been removed
Night skiing
There was no night skiing


Taken in May 2021

Further Information

  • Hijiri Kogen Dai 2 effectively means Hijiri Kogen Number 2
  • This ski area was close to Lake Suzuran すずらん胡 in the Hijiri Kogen highland region of Omi Village
  • It was also known as Suzuran Gelande すずらんゲレンデ
  • Hijiro Kogen Number 2 Ski Area was located about 5km to the west of Hijiri Kogen Number 1 Ski Area  聖高原第1スキー場
  • That ski area had one ski lift that was called Number 1 Lift
  • Curiously, the two ski lifts at Hijiri Kogen Dai 2 were called Number 2 Lift (the upper lift) and Number 3 Lift (the lower lift)
  • There was no Number 1 Lift at Hijiro Kogen Dai 2
  • So the two ski areas obviously had strong connections; it was as if they were two parts of the same ski area, just separated by about 5km of winding roads
  • An old guide from 1975 showed that one ride on a ski lift cost 90 yen
  • Only three buses a day took people to this ski area
  • There used to be an imposing-looking hotel called Hotel Shangri-La  ホテルシャングリラ  on the east side of the lake, looking over towards the ski area on the other side
  • That hotel can be seen in the above aerial photo from 1975 (it has since been completely removed)
  • Access to this area was not particularly convenient with long, narrow and winding roads, and that probably did not help with its popularity
  • About 30 years after closing, there are no visible remains of the ski area, and it is now almost impossible to visualise the old ski slopes
  • Nature has well and truly taken back control of this mountain!
  • An area for mizubasho (skunk cabbage)  奥聖水芭蕉園  can now be found at the location
  • Hijiri Kogen Number 1 is still operating in 2022 and is known as simply Hijiri Kogen Ski Area  聖高原スキー場.  More information on

Google Earth

Hijiri Kogen Dai 2 Ski Area(聖高原第2スキー場)

Google Street View

Google Maps

  • Located to the south-west of central Nagano City and to the west of Chikuma City

  • About 11km from the Omi IC exit of the Nagano Expressway

  • About 10.5km from Hijiri Kogen Station on the Shinonoi line

  • 長野自動車道 麻績ICから的11km

  • 篠ノ井線 聖高原駅から的10.5km

This page was created in May 2021
Last updated on 24th May 2022
2021年5月 作成 2022年5月24日 更新