Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture

地附山スキー場 長野県長野市

Jitsukiyama was a small ski area located on the north western slopes of the mountain of the same name, close to central Nagano City. The ski area was reached via the Zenkoji Ropeway and the one ski slope was serviced by a simple T-bar lift. Jitsukiyama Ski Area opened in 1962 and closed in 1970. The area is now popular for the Jitsukiyama Trekking Courses and the old T-bar motor along with other remains are featured as part of the Nostalgia Course. This page introduces Jitsukiyama and the ski area, with additional photographs of the Trekking Course here.

Jitsukiyama Ski Area(地附山スキー場)
Base elevation
About 700m
Top elevation
About 725m
About 50m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
About 150m
Skill level
Generally gentle slope
Ski / board
100% / 0%
Ski lifts
1 ski lift
The top motor part of the lift remains
The Zenjoki Ropeway has been removed
Night skiing
There was no night skiing


Taken in October 2020

Below is a selection of the photographs taken during a visit to Jitsukiyama in October 2020
The complete set of photographs from the Jitsukiyama Trekking Course can be found here

Old ropeway cabins

The old Iizuna and Togakushi ropeway cabins can now be seen by the side of Route 406 in Suzaka City

Taken in September 2022

Further Information

  • Jitsukiyama  地附山  is the name of a 733m mountain just to the north of central Nagano City
  • The name in hiragana is written as じづきやま and is sometimes written in English letters as Jidzukiyama
  • The famous Zenkoji Temple  善光寺  is nearby... official tourism pamphlets describe Jitsukiyama as being 'in Zenkoji's backyard''
  • Zenkoji Temple is a Buddhist temple that was built in the 7th century, and the modern city of Nagano was built around it
  • The temple was designated as a National Treasure in 1953 and has several historically significant buildings
  • In 1960 a five-year plan was made to develop Jitsukiyama as a tourist destination featuring various attractions
  • As part of that plan, the Zenkoji Ropeway  善光寺ロープウェイ  opened on 21st March 1961
  • The ropeway was 685m in length and covered a vertical of 235m
  • Each of the two cabins, called Iizuna  いいづな  and Togakushi  とがくし, had a capacity of 41 people, and the journey took around 5 minutes
  • The base building was called Unjodai Station  雲上台駅 
  • It featured a restaurant, and at the time, it was the largest ropeway station in Japan
  • In the first year of operation, over 500,000 people used the Ropeway
  • As well as fine views over Nagano City, at the top of the Zenkoji Ropeway, there was an 'amusement park', a sightseeing lift, a small zoo (apparently featuring a lion)... and a small ski area
  • The ski area opened in 1962 and was located a few hundred metres from the top ropeway station
  • It featured a north-facing slope with views out towards Mt Iizuna and Mt Myoko
  • The ski slope was serviced by one simple T-bar lift
  • The top motor of that T-bar lift still remains in place, and close by, there is a sign introducing the old ski slope to visitors - a nice touch!
  • Local school ski lessons were held at Jitsukiyama Ski Area, and at one time it attracted around 1500 skiers in a day
  • The Togakushi Bird Line  戸隠バードライン  toll road opened in August 1964
  • With the opening of that road, the number of people visiting Jitsukiyama dropped significantly
  • Jitsukiyama Ski Area closed in 1970
  • The Zenkoji Ropeway closed in April 1974 and was officially abolished in October 1975
  • In July 1985, there was a major landslide in the area, affecting a 450m x 350m area
  • It is thought that about 5 million square metres of sediment moved during the landslide
  • A section of the Togakushi Bird Line was affected and permanently closed
  • There is now a memorial park on the mountain, the Disaster Prevention Memorial Jitsukiyama Park  防災メモリアル 地附山公園  [closed during the winter months]
  • In 1997 the remaining Togakushi Bird Line became a toll-free road
  • Visitors to Jitsukiyama today can enjoy a selection of well-maintained trekking courses on the mountain
  • The four official courses are called Hanekoma Trail  跳駒トレイル, Nostalgia Course 郷愁コース, Antiquity Course  いにしえコース  and Zigzag Path  つづらトレイル
  • As well as the sign for the old ski area, there are other helpful information signs around the area providing interesting information to visitors
  • The Jitsukiyama Trekking Protection Society maintains these 地附山トレッキングコース愛護会
  • There is also a motocross practice area for the Nagano police up there!
  • The location where the base ropeway station used to be is now a car park for Zenkoji Unjoden  善光寺 雲上殿 納骨堂
  • The old Iizuna and Togakushi ropeway cabins can currently be seen by the side of Route 406 in Suzaka City, about 6km from Suzaka Station and 13km from Sugadaira

Google Earth

Jitsukiyama Ski Area(地附山スキー場)

Google Street View

Google Maps

  • The base station of the Zenkoji Ropeway was about 1.5km to the north of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City

  • About 12km from the Nagano IC exit of the Joshinetsu Expressway

  • About 4.5km from Nagano Station on the Hokuriku Shinkansen line

  • 上信越自動車道 長野ICから的12km

  • 北陸新幹線 長野駅から的4.5km

This page was created in October 2020
Last updated on 7th September 2022
2020年10月 作成 2022年9月7日 更新