Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture

あづまスキー場 福島県福島市

Azuma was a ski area located less than 20km to the west of Fukushima City, in the prefecture of the same name. It was the only ski area located within the borders of Fukushima City. The lower base of Azuma was located by Takayu Onsen with other car parks in the central area by the side of the Bandai Azuma Skyline road.

March 2006
Base elevation
Top elevation
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Skill level
20% beginner
50% intermediate
30% advanced
Ski / board
60% / 40% [2001]
Ski lifts
5 lifts (at one time)
Pair 980m
Pair 650m
Pair 412m
Single 682m
Pony lift 150m
The single and pair lifts remain in place
Night skiing
There was night skiing on the course serviced by the lower Shakunage lift


Taken in May 2022

Further Information

  • Azuma, and the nearby Takayu Onsen, offered the only skiing within the borders of Fukushima City
  • In later years Azuma Ski Area was comprised of three main slopes, Shirakabadaira  白樺ゲレンデ, Shakunage Dai 1 しゃくなげ第一ゲレンデ and Shakunage Dai 2 しゃくなげ第二ゲレンデ
  • The Shirakabadaira and Shakunage areas were operated by separate organisations
  • In a pamphlet from a few years before closing, a one-day lift ticket for the two upper Shakunage ski lifts (known as Shakunage Ski Park シャクナゲスキーパーク) was 3,300 yen
  • A one-day lift ticket for the city-operated Fukushima Shiei 福島市営 area (Shirakabadaira) was 2,300 yen
  • That meant that if you wanted to use the whole area, it was 5,600 yen for the day, which was very expensive
  • From a skier's perspective, the 'base' of the ski area was around Shirakabadaira in the central section
  • The Ski Center  スキーセンターバニーハット and Hutte Shirakabadaira ヒュッテ白樺 buildings were located in this area
  • There were two car parks by the side of the road across from these buildings
  • There was another car park a little further up near the top of the Shirakabadaira lift and the first Shakunage lift
  • The large Azuma Lodge 吾妻ロッジ building, now demolished, was also located there
  • In addition, there used to be a simple 300m pony lift and a single ski lift 湯花沢リフト behind one of the accommodations in Takayu Onsen that went up to the central Shirakabadaira area - those lifts and associated ski run were not open in later years
  • In 2022, the ski lifts, Ski Center and Hutte Shirakabadaira buildings remain in place
  • The top of the Shirakabadaira lift can be seen just off the main road
  • The buildings can also be seen by the side of the road, but they are roped off with clear No Entry signs
  • In just 10 years since the last visit to the location, the trees and undergrowth have grown very quickly, making the area look very different and increasingly difficult to enter
  • Takayu Onsen  高湯温泉  is located in the lower area with various onsen hot springs facilities
  • More information on the Takayu Onsen Ski Area here
  • With the Azuma and Takayu Onsen ski areas closed, there are no ski areas in Fukushima City
  • The road continuing onwards from Takayu Onsen is known as Bandai Azuma Skyline  磐梯吾妻スカイライン
  • Bandai Azuma Skyline was a toll road until July 2013
  • About 10km to the south-west of this location via the Bandai Azuma Skyline road is the impressive crater of Mt Azuma, known as Azuma Kofuji  吾妻小富士
  • That section of road is closed during the winter months

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps

  • Located to the west of central Fukushima City, just by the side of the Prefecture Road 70

  • About 18km from the Fukushima Nishi IC exit of the Tohoku Expressway

  • About 19km from Fukushima Station on the Tohoku Shinkansen and Tohoku Honsen line

  • 東北自動車道 福島西ICから的18km

  • 東北新幹線 東北本線 福島駅から的19km

This page was created in May 2020
Last updated on 30th May 2022
2020年5月 作成  2022年5月30日 更新