SnowJapanHistory スノージャパン ヒストリー
A look back at ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Yamanouchi Town, Nagano Prefecture

安南平スキー場 長野県山ノ内町

Annandaira was a ski area located in Yamanouchi Town in the northern region of Nagano Prefecture. It was on the lower western slopes of Boderayama, about 3km off Route 292 at a point before the road starts to climb up to the Shiga Kogen area. Annandaira opened in 1980 and closed in 1986 and so only had a short lifespan, but it has a fascinating story. A vist was attempted in late spring 2020 but unfortunately the road was closed due to fallen rocks by the tunnel.

Annandaira Ski Area(安南平スキー場)
Base elevation
Top elevation
About 1,250m
About 260m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Skill level
70% beginner/intermediate
30% advanced
Ski / board
Ski lifts
2 lifts
Single 491m
Single 550m
The lifts have been removed
Some concrete foundations remain
Night skiing
There was no night skiing


Taken in May 2020

Further Information

  • Annandaira was located on the western slopes of Boderayama close to the Kanbayashi area of Yamanouchi Town
  • It opened in 1980 and closed in 1986, so only lasted for about 6 years
  • Until 1992, the road going up from the Kanbayashi area of Yamanouchi town to Shiga Kogen was a toll road
  • Just beyond the old toll gate, after the first curve before the road begins to go up to Shiga Kogen, there is a small road off the left side
  • Annandaira Ski Area was at the end of that road, about 3km further on
  • The road starts off in fairly decent condition, but deteriorates after a few hundred metres
  • For the most part it is more of a dirt track than a road - narrow and uneven with steep slopes off to the side in places and no guardrails
  • Apparently, even when Annandaira Ski Area was open the road was not much better
  • There is a tunnel and a bridge along the road before it arrives at the Annandaira location
  • Unfortunately the road was blocked and closed when a visit was attempted in May 2020
  • The concrete foundations of two buildings remain at the base of the old ski area
  • Other than those foundations, nature has well and truly taken over and it is difficult to imagine there ever being a ski area in this location
  • Confirmed details about Annandaira are difficult to find, even after talking with locals, but this is the information that can be found...
  • It was apparently popular with ski camps, races and for competitions
  • One of the guidebooks from the mid 1980s mentions that various specialist timing and video equipment for races were installed, enabling 'scientific and technical analysis'
  • At the time, there was a regular bus service from Tokyo that arrived at Annandaira at 2am
  • There were also bus shuttle services from nearby Yudanaka
  • The two base buildings housed a hotel, a ramen shop, ski rental, a ski school and...
  • ....a disco!
  • At one time a proposal was floated to develop the western slope of Boderayama with a ski course coming down from the Ishinoyu ski area  石の湯スキー場  in Shiga Kogen down to Annandaira
  • The idea was for that course to be a potential candidate for the downhill course at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics
  • That plan of course never happened, and both Annandaira and Ishinoyu are now closed
  • More information on the Ishinoyu ski area here

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps



Located about 2.5km off Route 292, to the south of the Kanbayashi area of Yamanouchi Town in Nagano Prefecture.
About 18km from the Shinshu Nakano IC exit of the Joshinetsu Expressway.
About 8km from Yudanaka Station on the Nagano (private) line.
上信越自動車道 信州中野ICから的18km
長野電鉄長野線 湯田中駅から的8km

Currently operating ski & snowboard resorts in the region

Shiga Kogen Sun Valley  志賀高原 サンバレー 10.5km
All currently operating ski areas in the Shiga Kogen region
All currently operating ski areas in Nagano Prefecture

This page was created in May 2020
Last updated on 12th August 2022
2020年5月 作成 2022年8月12日 更新